How much does a Tipi Wedding Cost?
Here we share with you all the things that can affect the cost of your big day. Delve into our tips, advice and insight, to help you on your way…

Ben & Bridie’s Festival-Style Wedding at Three Pools, South Wales
Discover how Mikata turned Ben & Bridie’s wedding at Three Pools, South Wales, into a festival-inspired celebration, complete with tipis, drag queen bingo, and stunning sunset views.

A Dream Wedding in Shropshire: Beth & Elias Celebrate Under Triple Tipis
50mph winds? No problem. We don’t let the weather get in the way of your wedding day.

Flying South - Mikata Moves to Bristol.
This year we have private parties and weddings spread across the Welsh borders and Shropshire, plus an appearance at Pembrokeshire’s own Westival.